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Animal Constellations

Heal Your Animal Friend By Healing Yourself

1 h 30 min
850 South African rand
Cliffside Crescent

Service Description

Those of us who have worked with animals and shared our lives with them recognize the depth of their wisdom. Every individual animal has a unique gift to offer. In our lives, we will attract the animals from which we have the most to learn. In the session, you gain insight into the true, hidden causes of the current behavior or health issues. Through processes, profound healing and change can occur for the animals and the owners. How does this work benefit animals and their people? Animals can take on issues or problems that don’t belong to them. Sometimes the problems we see the animals struggling with, are the same as their owner's. These illnesses or behavioral problems often cannot be resolved using conventional methods. After the work, the animals usually experience immediate relief. The relief comes from no longer being required to bring their owner’s attention to the issue. It immediately shows the true picture of a situation, not just for us, but also for the client. The truth is right there in front of your eyes! The feeling of weight off your shoulders is incredible. Bookings: +27 79 9134 934

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours before your appointment

Contact Details

  • 24 Cliffside Crescent, Northcliff, Randburg, South Africa


079 913 4934

The Cliffs
24 Cliffside Crescent
South Africa

Created in honour of my wonderful grandmother, who taught me, unconditional love


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